Segmented Booking Diaries
Dedicated bookings section for each category to keep it simple and easy.
Weekly and Monthly Diaries
Segregated Views to help you check bed and room availability faster.
Quick Filters and Search Views
Parse your bookings lists by Booking Ids, Hospice Locations, Booking Dates etc.
Comprehensive Reports with Custom Templates
Detailed reporting to let you stay informed and help you avoid any last-minute clutter.
Facilitate Effective Booking Arrangements
Booking Diaries is a powerful tool that allows care providers to manage their diaries and bookings for residential care, community care, therapeutic care and family support services. It allows you to easily book suitable rooms and types of beds for your patients and additional family rooms for any family members. In addition to this, you can create your letter templates to keep in touch with the families. Coordinate catering and housekeeping teams by allowing them online access to the booking information.
Our Capabilities
Keep the family informed with Booking Status updates via Email/SMS/Letters
Maximise bed occupancy with Short Notice Bookings and Reservations list
Seamless Residential Arrangments with Housekeeping and Catering Reports
Achieve precise funding allocations with all Funding Agreements at one place
Online staff competencies to help you manage and plan staff dependencies with ease
What Our Clients Say