Children's Hospice Across Scotland (CHAS)
Children’s Hospices Across Scotland, popularly known as CHAS was formed in February 1992 by a group of professionals and parents of children with life-shortening conditions. They provide a full family support service for babies, children, and young people with life-shortening conditions. This includes palliative care, family respite, and support – through their hospices, home care services, and hospital presence.
Positive Impact on Patient care records :
The note-taking functionality in the Care Database helped them to apply quick filters to find notes in a shorter time frame.
Significant improvement in the use of appropriate filters since implementation with increasing use of the system.
Trail of historical data ensures no information is getting missed.
Our Solution Highlights
User-Friendly Interface
Historic Reporting
Quick filter options for fast data retrieval
Easy navigation.
Fast SLA resolution from the Support team.
Prompt response to our custom requirements.