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UK government guidance allows visitors to care homes

Care homes across the UK will now have the opportunity to allow families to visit loved ones currently residing in their homes.

The guidance, published by the government on the 22nd July, gives care homes and local authorities the power to decide if visits are appropriate.

Key quotes from the guidance:

"Limiting the numbers of visitors to a single constant visitor per resident, wherever possible. This, for example, means the same family member visiting each time to limit the number of different individuals coming into contact. This is in order to limit the overall number of visitors to the care home and/or to the individual, and the consequent risk of infection"

"even where in-person visits are permitted, alternatives to in-person visiting should be actively explored, facilitated and encouraged, such as the use of telephones or video"

"visitors should be supported to wear a face covering when visiting and advised to wash hands thoroughly (or use hand sanitiser) before and after putting it on and taking it off. A face covering is not a medical/surgical mask"

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